French patent application FR2406611 of 20/06/2024. Active antenna including a single-turn loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne active incluant un cadre monospire).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending.
French patent application FR2401352 of 12/02/2024. Active antenna comprising a single-turn loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne active comportant un cadre monospire).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending.
French patent application FR2305759 of 07/06/2023 and international application PCT/IB2024/052157 of 6 March 2024. Passive antenna containing a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne passive contenant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending.
French patent application FR2301633 of 22/02/2023 and international application PCT/IB2024/050206 of 9 January 2024 (WO 2024/176002). Passive antenna incorporating a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne passive incorporant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending.
French patent application FR2206759 of 04/07/2022 and international application PCT/IB2023/055536 of 30 May 2023 (WO 2024/009154). Passive antenna including a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne passive incluant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2201812 of 02/03/2022 and international application PCT/IB2023/050403 of 17 January 2023 (WO 2023/166357). Passive antenna comprising a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne passive comportant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2108661 of 12/08/2021 and international application PCT/IB2022/054371 of 11 May 2022 (WO 2022/269379). Method for automatic adjustment of an ion cyclotron resonance heating system of a thermonuclear reactor (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'un système de chauffage à résonance cyclotronique ionique d'un réacteur thermonucléaire).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2106199 of 11/06/2021 and international application PCT/IB2022/054346 of 10 May 2022 (WO 2022/259057). Antenna tuner, and tunable antenna comprising this antenna tuner (original title in French: Accordeur d'antenne, et antenne accordable comportant cet accordeur d'antenne).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2101610 of 18/02/2021 and international application PCT/IB2022/050250 of 13 January 2022 (WO 2022/175755). Transimpedance amplifier (original title in French: Amplificateur à transimpédance).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending.
French patent application FR2013149 of 14/12/2020 and international application PCT/IB2021/060977 of 25 November 2021 (WO 2022/130075). Method for automatically adjusting an ion cyclotron resonance heating system of a thermonuclear reactor (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement un système de chauffage à résonance cyclotronique ionique d'un réacteur thermonucléaire).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2004969 of 18 May 2020 and international application PCT/IB2021/053502 of 28 April 2021 (WO 2021/234479). Active antenna including a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne active incluant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR2002047 of 28 February 2020 and international application PCT/IB2021/051064 of 10 February 2021 (WO 2021/171119). Active antenna comprising a screened loop aerial (original title in French: Antenne active comportant un cadre blindé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR1909176 of 13 August 2019 and international application PCT/IB2020/055006 of 27 May 2020 (WO 2021/028732). Method of automatic adjustment of a tunable passive antenna and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une antenne passive accordable et d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR1909173 of 13 August 2019 and international application PCT/IB2020/054953 of 26 May 2020 (WO 2021/028730). Method of automatic adjustment of tunable passive antennas and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'antennes passives accordables et d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR18/00881 of 20 August 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/056484 of 30 July 2019 (WO 2020/039284). Method for automatically adjusting a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR18/00872 of 16 August 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/056447 of 29 July 2019 (WO 2020/035756). Method for automatic adjustment of a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR1800375 of 27 April 2018. Wireless communication network that is capable of spatial multiplexing (original title in French: Réseau de communication sans fil qui peut effectuer du multiplexage spatial).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent application FR1800374 of 26 April 2018. Wireless communication network capable of spatial multiplexing (original title in French: Réseau de communication sans fil capable d'effectuer du multiplexage spatial).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent application FR1870443 of 12 April 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/052454 of 26 March 2019 (WO 2019/197930). Method for automatic adjustment of tunable passive antennas, and radio transceiver using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'antennes passives accordables et émetteur-récepteur radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR1870423 of 9 April 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/052374 of 23 March 2019 (WO 2019/197925). Method for automatically adjusting a tuning unit, and radio transceiver using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement une unité d'accord, et émetteur-récepteur radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application FR1870421 of 9 April 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/052360 of 22 March 2019 (WO 2019/197923). Method for automatic adjustment of a tuning unit, and radio transceiver using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une unité d'accord, et émetteur-récepteur radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 18/70331 of 23 March 2018 and international application PCT/IB2019/051501 of 25 February 2019 (WO 2019/180520). Method of automatic adjustment of a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent pending, US patent 11,411,588 granted.
French patent application 17/70537 of 25 May 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/056501 of 19 October 2017 (WO 2018/215821). Method for automatically adjusting a tunable passive antenna and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement une antenne passive accordable et une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,991,911 granted.
French patent application 17/70536 of 24 May 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/056470 of 18 October 2017 (WO 2018/215820). Method for automatic adjustment of a tunable passive antenna and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une antenne passive accordable et d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 10,044,380 granted.
French patent application 17/70375 of 13 April 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/056003 of 29 September 2017 (WO 2018/189579). Method for automatically adjusting a tunable passive antenna and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement une antenne passive accordable et une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 10,008,777 granted.
French patent application 17/70372 of 12 April 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/055976 of 28 September 2017 (WO 2018/189578). Method for automatic adjustment of a tunable passive antenna and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'une antenne passive accordable et d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,960,491 granted.
French patent application 17/70175 of 23 February 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/054531 of 26 July 2017 (WO 2018/154368). Method for automatically adjusting tunable passive antennas and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement des antennes passives accordables et une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,912,075 granted.
French patent application 17/70169 of 21 February 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/054507 of 25 July 2017 (WO 2018/154366). Method for automatic adjustment of tunable passive antennas and a tuning unit, and apparatus for radio communication using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'antennes passives accordables et d'une unité d'accord, et appareil pour communication radio utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,929,460 granted.
French patent application 17/70043 of 12 January 2017 and international application PCT/IB2017/057346 of 22 November 2017 (WO 2018/130888). Antenna comprising an unmanned aircraft (original title in French: Antenne comportant un aéronef sans pilote).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 16/70796 of 28 December 2016. Method for digital photography and digital still camera (original title in French: Procédé pour photographie numérique et appareil photographique numérique).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent application 16/70357 of 30 June 2016 and international application PCT/IB2017/053267 of 2 June 2017 (WO 2018/002745). Method of automatic adjustment of a tunable matching circuit, and automatic tuning system using this method (original title in French: Procédé de réglage automatique d'un circuit d'adaptation accordable, et système d'accord automatique utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
US patent 9,966,924 granted.
French patent application 16/70337 of 22 June 2016 and international application PCT/IB2017/053244 of 1 June 2017 (WO 2017/221089). Method for automatic adjustment of a tunable matching circuit, and automatic tuning system using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour réglage automatique d'un circuit d'adaptation accordable, et système d'accord automatique utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
US patent US 9,935,607 granted.
French patent application 16/00273 of 16 February 2016 and international application PCT/IB2016/056839 of 14 November 2016 (WO 2017/141086). Method for automatically adjusting a tunable matching circuit, and automatic tuning system using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement un circuit d'adaptation accordable, et système d'accord automatique utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
US patent US 9,628,135 granted.
French patent application 15/02633 of 17 December 2015 and international application PCT/IB2016/051400 of 11 March 2016 (WO 2017/103687). Method for automatically adjusting tunable passive antennas, and automatically tunable antenna array using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement des antennes passives accordables, et réseau d'antennes automatiquement accordable utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,698,484 granted.
French patent application 15/01780 of 26 August 2015 and international application PCT/IB2015/057161 of 17 September 2015 (WO 2017/033048).
Method for automatically adjusting a tuning unit, and automatic tuning system using this method (original title in French: Procédé pour régler automatiquement une unité d'accord, et système d'accord automatique utilisant ce procédé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,966,930 granted.
French patent application 15/01290 of 22 June 2015 and international application PCT/IB2015/057131 of 16 September 2015 (WO 2016/207705).
Method and apparatus for automatic tuning of an impedance matrix, and radio transmitter using this apparatus (original title in French: Procédé et appareil pour accord automatique d'une matrice impédance et émetteur radio utilisant cet appareil).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 10,116,057 granted.
French patent application 14/01221 of 28 May 2014 and international application PCT/IB2015/052974 of 23 April 2015 (WO 2015/181653).
Radio communication using a plurality of selected antennas (original title in French: Communication radio utilisant une pluralité d'antennes sélectionnées).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 10,224,901 granted.
French patent application 14/00666 of 20 March 2014 and international application PCT/IB2015/051644 of 6 March 2015 (WO 2015/140660).
Radio communication using tunable antennas and an antenna tuning apparatus (original title in French: Communication radio utilisant des antennes accordables et un appareil d'accord d'antenne).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,680,510 granted.
French patent application 14/00606 of 13 March 2014 and international application PCT/IB2015/051548 of 3 March 2015 (WO 2015/136409).
Radio communication using multiple antennas and localization variables (original title in French: Communication radio utilisant des antennes multiples et des variables de localisation).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,654,162 granted.
French patent application 13/00878 of 15 April 2013 and international application PCT/IB2014/058933 of 12 February 2014 (WO 2014/170766).
Method and apparatus for automatically tuning an impedance matrix, and radio transmitter using this apparatus (original title in French: Procédé et appareil pour accorder automatiquement une matrice impédance, et émetteur radio utilisant cet appareil).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,077,317 granted.
French patent application 13/00665 of 21 March 2013 and international application PCT/IB2013/060481 of 28 November 2013 (WO 2014/147458).
Method and device for radio reception using a plurality of antennas and a multiple-input-port and multiple-output-port amplifier (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la réception radio utilisant une pluralité d'antennes et un amplificateur à accès d'entrées multiples et accès de sortie multiples).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,294,174 granted.
French patent application 12/02564 of 27 September 2012 and international application PCT/IB2013/058574 of 16 September 2013 (WO 2014/049486).
Method and device for radio reception using an antenna tuning apparatus and a plurality of antennas (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la réception radio utilisant un appareil d'accord d'antenne et une pluralité d'antennes).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,337,534 granted.
French patent application 12/02542 of 25 September 2012, international application PCT/IB2013/058423 of 10 September 2013 (WO 2014/049475), divisional application 15/00713 of 7 April 2015 and divisional application 15/00714 of 7 April 2015.
Antenna tuning apparatus for a multiport antenna array (original title in French: Appareil d'accord d'antenne pour un réseau d'antennes à accès multiples).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Three French patents granted, US patents 9,621,132 and 10,187,033 granted.
French patent application 12/01692 of 13 June 2012.
Heating device for a human body (original title in French: Dispositif de chauffage pour un corps humain).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 11/01902 of 21 June 2011 and international application PCT/IB2012/052709 of 30 May 2012 (WO 2012/176081).
Transmitter for near-field chip-to-chip multichannel transmission (original title in French: Emetteur pour transmission multivoie puce-à-puce en champ proche).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 9,525,465 granted.
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French patent application 11/01720 of 7 June 2011 and international application PCT/IB2012/052705 of 30 May 2012 (WO 2012/168833).
Method for evaluating the effects of an interconnection on electrical variables (original title in French: Procédé pour évaluer les effets d'une interconnexion sur des variables électriques).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
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French patent application 10/02802 of 2 July 2010 and international application PCT/IB2011/052253 of 24 May 2011 (WO 2012/001545).
Receiver for near-field chip-to-chip multichannel transmission (original title in French: Récepteur pour la transmission multivoie puce-à-puce en champ proche).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, European patent application EP2589159 granted, US patent 8,902,998 granted.
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French patent application 10/02662 of 25 June 2010 and international application PCT/IB2011/052213 of 20 May 2011 (WO 2011/161563).
Balanced-input current-sensing differential amplifier (original title in French: Amplificateur différentiel captant le courant à entrée équilibrée).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,692,617 granted.
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French patent application 09/04611 of 28 September 2009 and international application PCT/IB2010/051863 of 28 April 2010 (WO 2011/036573).
Method for pseudo-differential transmission using a non-uniform interconnection (original title in French: Procédé de transmission pseudo-différentiel utilisant une interconnexion non uniforme).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,193,875 granted.
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French patent application 09/04610 of 28 September 2009 and international application PCT/IB2010/051857 of 28 April 2010 (WO 2011/036572).
Method for transmission using a non-uniform interconnection (original title in French: Procédé de transmission utilisant une interconnexion non uniforme).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,174,334 granted.
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French patent application 09/00161 of 15 January 2009 and international application PCT/IB2009/055295 of 23 November 2009 (WO 2010/082093).
Transmission device using a plurality of elementary return conductors (original title in French: Dispositif de transmission utilisant une pluralité de conducteurs de retour élémentaires).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,338,992 granted.
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French patent application 09/00042 of 8 January 2009 and international application PCT/IB2009/055287 of 23 November 2009 (WO 2010/079390).
Multichannel interfacing device having a switching circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface multicanal avec circuit de commutation).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,599,872 granted.
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French patent application 08/04430 of 4 August 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/052645 of 19 June 2009 (WO 2010/015948).
Method for pseudo-differential transmission using natural electrical variables (original title in French: Procédé de transmission pseudo-différentiel utilisant des variables électriques naturelles).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,461,937 granted.
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French patent application 08/04429 of 4 August 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/052638 of 19 June 2009 (WO 2010/015947).
Method for pseudo-differential transmission using modal electrical variables (original title in French: Procédé de transmission pseudo-différentiel utilisant des variables électriques modales).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,049,576 granted.
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French patent application 08/03985 of 11 July 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/051557 of 14 April 2009 (WO 2010/004448).
Multichannel interfacing device having a balancing circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface multicanal avec circuit d'équilibrage).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,125,240 granted.
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French patent application 08/03982 of 11 July 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/051358 of 31 March 2009 (WO 2010/004445).
Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier having pseudo-differential inputs (original title in French: Amplificateur à entrées multiples et sorties multiples ayant des entrées pseudo-différentielles).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,952,429 granted.
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French patent application 08/03876 of 8 July 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/051182 of 20 March 2009 (WO 2010/004444).
Multichannel interfacing device having a termination circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface multicanal avec circuit de terminaison).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,222,919 granted.
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French patent application 08/03830 of 7 July 2008 and international application PCT/IB2009/051053 of 13 March 2009 (WO 2010/004442).
Pseudo-differential receiving circuit (original title in French: Circuit de réception pseudo-différentiel).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 8,896,361 granted.
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French patent application 07/05260 of 20 July 2007 and international application PCT/IB2008/052102 of 29 May 2008 (WO 2009/013644).
Method and device for pseudo-differential transmission (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour les transmissions pseudo-différentielles).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent US 8,248,177 granted.
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French patent application 07/04949 of 09 July 2007 and international application PCT/IB2008/051982 of 20 May 2008 (WO 2009/007866).
Pseudo-differential interfacing device having a switching circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface pseudo-différentiel avec circuit de commutation).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,884,648 granted.
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French patent application 07/04889 of 06 July 2007 and international application PCT/IB2008/051942 of 16 May 2008 (WO 2009/007864).
Pseudo-differential interfacing device having a balancing circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface pseudo-différentiel avec circuit d'équilibrage).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,952,380 granted.
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French patent application 07/04421 of 21 June 2007 and international application PCT/IB2008/051826 of 8 May 2008 (WO 2008/155676).
Pseudo-differential interfacing device having a termination circuit (original title in French: Dispositif d'interface pseudo-différentiel avec circuit de terminaison).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,932,741 granted.
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French patent application 06/06502 of 18 July 2006 and international application PCT/IB2007/001589 of 5 June 2007 (WO 2008/010035).
Method and device for radio reception using a plurarity of antennas (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la réception radioélectrique utilisant une pluralité d'antennes).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,983,645 granted.
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French patent application 06/05633 of 23 June 2006 and international application PCT/IB2007/001344 of 26 April 2007 (WO 2008/001168).
Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier using mutual induction in the feedback network (original title in French: Amplificateur à entrées multiples et sorties multiples utilisant l'induction mutuelle dans le réseau de rétroaction).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,940,119 granted.
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French patent application 06/04428 of 18 May 2006 and international application PCT/US2007/011973 of 18 May 2007 (WO 2008/008125).
Method and device for secret radio communications (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour les communications radio secrètes).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Application abandonned by the buyer.
French patent application 06/01952 of 6 March 2006 and international application PCT/FR2007/000403 of 6 March 2007 (WO 2007/101942).
Electroluminescent transmitting device for free-space optical transmission (original title in French: Dispositif d'émission électroluminescent pour la transmission optique en espace libre).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted. European patent application EP2002571 granted. Korean patent 1020087024432 granted.
French patent application 06/00388 of 17 January 2006 and international application PCT/IB2006/003950 of 19 December 2006 (WO 2007/083191).
Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier (original title in French: Amplificateur à entrées multiples et sorties multiples).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,642,849 granted.
Download the US patent or the French patent.
French patent application 04 09939 of 20 September 2004 and international application PCT/IB2005/003309 of 16 September 2005 (WO 2006/033018).
Transmitting device for free-space optical transmission (original title in French: Dispositif d'émission pour la transmission optique en espace libre).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted. European patent application EP1797653 granted. Korean patent 1020077008788 granted.
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French patent application 03 03087 of 13 March 2003 and international application PCT/EP2004/002383 of 18 February 2004 (WO 2004/082168).
Method and device for transmission without crosstalk (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la transmission sans diaphonie).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 7,408,426 granted.
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French patent application 03 02814 of 6 March 2003 and international application PCT/EP2004/002382 of 18 February 2004 (WO 2004/079941).
Digital method and device for transmission with reduced crosstalk (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif numériques pour la transmission avec une faible diaphonie).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, European patent EP1634386 granted, US patents 7,477,069 and 7,764,083 granted.
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French patent application 03 00064 of 6 January 2003 and international application PCT/EP2003/015036 of 24 December 2003 (WO 2004/062129).
Method and device for transmission with reduced crosstalk (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la transmission avec une faible diaphonie).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patents 7,167,019 and 7,362,130 granted.
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French patent application 02 13629 of 26 November 2002.
Device for the characterization of multipair cables (original title in French: Dispositif pour la caractérisation des câbles à paires).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
Download the French patent application.
French patent application 02 07888 of 25 June 2002.
Method and device for receiving differential signals with a high common-mode rejection (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la réception de signaux différentiels avec une forte réjection du mode commun).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
Download the French patent application.
French patent application 01 11063 of 22 August 2001.
Method an device for high-efficiency generation a modulated signal (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la génération d'un signal modulé avec un rendement élevé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
Download the French patent application.
French patent application 97 07831 of 24 June 1997.
Method and device for detecting and localising faults in a piece of composite material (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la détection et la localisation de défauts dans une pièce de matériau composite).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 97 03299 of 18 March 1997.
Method and device for the detection of series faults in a low-voltage electrical installation (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la détection de défauts série dans une installation électrique à basse tension).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 96 06336 of 22 May 1996.
Method and device for the detection of series faults in an electric control panel (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la détection de défauts série dans un tableau électrique).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 96 03455 of 20 March 1996.
Method and device for the detection of series faults in an electrical installation (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la détection de défauts série dans une installation électrique).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 95 09136 of 27 July 1995.
Method and device for the protection of a radio service against mobile sources of disturbances (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la protection d'un service radioélectrique vis-à-vis de sources mobiles de perturbations).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 94 14689 of 5 December 1994 and international application PCT/FR95/01445 of 3 November 1995 (WO 9618111).
Device for locating defects in underwater telecommunication links (original title in French: Dispositif pour la localisation de défauts sur liaisons sous-marines de télécommunications).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted, US patent 5,883,517 granted.
French patent application 94 03813 of 31 March 1994.
Electromagnetic method and device for anti-aircraft defence by generation of a ringing attack (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif électromagnétique pour la défense antiaérienne par génération d'une agression résonante).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 94 01804 of 15 February 1994.
Protection device against large amplitude impulsive conducted electromagnetic disturbances, using the extinguishing of a spark-gap by a shunt device implementing semiconductors (original title in French: Dispositif pour la protection contre les perturbations électromagnétiques conduites impulsionnelles de grande amplitude, avec extinction d'un éclateur par un dispositif de dérivation à semiconducteur).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 94 01803 of 15 February 1994.
Protection device against large amplitude impulsive conducted electromagnetic disturbances, using the extinguishing of a spark-gap by an electromechanical switching device (original title in French: Dispositif pour la protection contre les perturbations électromagnétiques conduites impulsionnelles de grande amplitude, avec extinction d'un éclateur par un dispositif de coupure électromécanique).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 93 13492 of 9 November 1993.
Device for the characterization of imperfections of the screens of shielded cables by applying a variable magnetic field parallel to the cable axis (original title in French: Dispositif pour la caractérisation des imperfections des écrans de câble avec écran par application d'un champ magnétique variable parallèle à l'axe du câble).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 93 10903 of 14 September 1993.
Device for the characterization of imperfections of the screens of shielded cables by applying a variable magnetic field transverse to the cable axis (original title in French: Dispositif pour la caractérisation des imperfections des écrans de câble avec écran par application d'un champ magnétique variable transverse à l'axe du câble).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 93 10902 of 14 September 1993.
Method and device for extending the useful passband of TEM cells (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour l'extension de la bande passante utile des cellules TEM).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 91 08436 du 5 July 1991.
Method and device for selection and optimal reception of a signal present on several channels using an identification signal (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de sélection et de réception optimale d'un signal présent sur plusieurs canaux avec présence d'un signal d'identification).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 91 08211 of 2 July 1991.
Method and device for selection and optimal reception of a signal present on several channels using an estimate of coherence (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de sélection et de réception optimale d'un signal présent sur plusieurs canaux avec estimation de la cohérence).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 91 08212 of 2 July 1991.
Method and device for monitoring an electromagnetic screen using digital signal processing and several auxiliary transmission channels (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de contrôle d'un écran électromagnétique avec utilisation de plusieurs voies de transmission auxiliaires et d'un traitement numérique du signal).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 90 08809 of 11 July 1990.
Method and device for monitoring an electromagnetic screen using several auxiliary transmission channels (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de contrôle d'un écran électromagnétique avec utilisation de plusieurs voies de transmission auxiliaires).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 89 13616 of 18 October 1989.
Method and device for monitoring a quasi-closed electromagnetic screen using current injection (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de contrôle d'un écran électromagnétique quasi-fermé par injection de courant).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
Certificate of utility granted.
French patent application 89 11629 of 6 September 1989.
Method and device for the connection of a cable shield (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif pour la connexion d'un écran de câble).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 89 08391 of 23 July 1989.
Radio frequency electromagnetic field absorption device (original title in French: Dispositif d'absorption de champ électromagnétique radiofréquence).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.
French patent granted.
French patent application 88 10718 of 5 August 1988.
Method and device for monitoring a quasi-closed electromagnetic screen (original title in French: Procédé et dispositif de contrôle d'un écran électromagnétique quasi-fermé).
Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Michel Barrault.
French patent granted, European patent EP0354135 granted, patent US 5,068,616 granted.
French patent application 88 08792 of 28 June 1988.
Protection device against the effects of nuclear electromagnetic pulses (original title in French: Dispositif de protection contre les effets des impulsions électromagnétiques nucléaires).
Inventor: Frédéric Broydé.
French patent granted, European patent EP0349445 granted.
French patent application 87 01178 of 28 January 1987.
Dissipatif low-pass filter (original title in French: Filtre dissipatif passe-bas).
Inventor: Frédéric Broydé.
French patent granted, European patent EP0279137 granted, US patent 4,794,353 granted, Japanese patent 63-197109 granted.
Download the US patent.
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