[B47] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "The Basis of a Theory for the Shielding by Cylindrical Generalized Screens", IEEE Transactions on EMC, Vol. 42, No. 4, November 2000, pp. 414-426.
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One shall note that the paper initially published in the IEEE Transactions on EMC contains some imperfections. They are corrected in the paper
[B51] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "Correction to « The Basis of a Theory for the Shielding by Cylindrical Generalized Screens »", IEEE Transactions on EMC, Vol. 44, No. 3, August 2002, p. 490.
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We also offer the corrected original text in pdf format (217 kB), which may provide a more convenient reading.
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