Radio transmission
Presentation of the paper [B69]

[B69] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier : "Multiple-input-port and multiple-output-port amplifier for wireless receivers", Technical Conferences Proceedings of the SAME 2007 forum, Sophia Antipolis, October 3-4, 2007.

Downloading the document as a .pdf file (560 kB) and keep in mind that it is best to use the "Article" function of Adobe Acrobat! Information on the "Article" function. This document is subject to the Copyright of Excem.

   This paper contains at least one typo: in the first sentence of the section 5.A, one should read "... 1880 MHz presenting a 0.424 λ = 68 mm spacing between...", instead of "... 1880 MHz presenting a 0.424 λ = 27 mm spacing between...".

     The results of the paper [B69] have later been used by other authors and researchers, for instance in the article:

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