Instruments for special EMC measurements

The EX2712A antenna The EX1823A and EX1825A probes
and their calibration samples

Electric field measurement antenna EX2712A
    Symmetrical active antenna for the measurement of electric fields in the band 50 kHz to 500 kHz. Typical effective length -16,6 dB(m). Delivered with power feeding splitter EX2713A. Downloading the user's guide as an Adobe Acrobat file (181 ko).

Triaxial cell EX1815A
    The triaxial cell EX1815A is dedicated to the measurement of the per-unit-length transfer impedance and of the radial electric coupling coefficient of shielded cables, up to 30 MHz.

Axial H-field probe EX1823A
    Axial H-field probe for the characterization of shielded cables in the band 50 kHz to 30 MHz. The implementation of this probe is described at the paragraph VI of our paper B31. It is delivered with a calibration sample EX1823-02A.

Parallel H-field probe EX1825A
    Parallel H-field probe for the characterization of shielded cables in the band 50 kHz to 30 MHz. The implementation of this probe is described at the paragraph V of our paper B31. It is delivered with a calibration sample EX1825-02A.

TEM cell for the characterization of absorbers EX1201A
    TEM cell for the characterization of absorbers using toroïdal samples of 69 mm external diameter. Cut-off frequency of the empty cell: 1,97 GHz. Characteristic impedance: 50 Ohms.

High voltage amplifier module EX2221A
    The high voltage amplifier module EX2221A has a nominal transadmittance of 10,7 mA/V, with a -6 dB passband extending from 10 kHz to 10 MHz. The output impedance being 51 kiloohms in parallel with 3 pF, the maximum output level is about 960 V peak-to-peak: a value which would be expensive to obtain with an output impedance of 50 Ohms. The module is a component, delivered without power supply and without enclosure.

Preamplifier with symmetrical outputs EX2222A
    The EX2222A preamplifier with symmetrical outputs has a single 50 Ohms input and two 50 Ohms outputs providing to signals with a nominal phase difference of 180 degrees. The typical gain is 30 dB with an output level of 2 V r.m.s., from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. This preamplifier is suitable for driving the input of one or two high voltage amplifier modules EX2221A.

High impedance probe EX2224A
    The high impedance probe EX2224A is a low noise preamplifier with a high impedance input and a 50 Ohms output. It is appropriate for the measurement of the radial electric coupling coefficient of shielded cables using the EX1815A triaxial cell.

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