Electrical interconnections:
ZXtalk method for reducing
internal crosstalk and echo

     In interconnections comprising n transmission conductors and one reference conductor, designed for the transmission of n signals, echo and internal crosstalk may be effectively reduced using a modal transmission technique such as the ZXtalk method. Our last results in this area may be found in the three following articles:

[B95] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "Multiconductor Transmission Line Models for Modal Transmission Schemes", IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 306-314, Feb. 2013.

[B96] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "An Overview of Modal Transmission Schemes", Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, SPI 2013, Paris, May 12-15, 2013, pp. 31-34.


[B98] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, J.E. Schutt-Ainé: "Some Internal Crosstalk Reduction Schemes", Proc. IEEE 22th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, EPEPS 2013, San Jose, pp. 227-230, Oct. 27-30, 2013.

     The background of the ZXtalk method is presented in:

[B54] F. Broydé, "Eliminer radicalement la diaphonie dans les interconnexions", Electronique, No. 140, octobre 2003, pp. 57-61.


[B60] F. Broydé, "Clear as a Bell - Controlling crosstalk in uniform interconnections", IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 6, November/December 2004, pp. 29-37.

     More elaborate discussions of the ZXtalk technique can be found in:

[B56] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "Une technique de réduction de la diaphonie basée sur un choix particulier de transformation modale", actes du 12ème colloque international de compatibilité électromagnétique, Toulouse, 16 au 18 mars 2004, pp. 417-422.

[B58] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "A New Interconnection Architecture for the Reduction of Crosstalk and Reflections", Technical Conferences Proceedings of the SAME 2004 forum, Session 5: Analog and electrical design, Sophia Antipolis, October 6-7, 2004.

[B62] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "A New Method for the Reduction of Crosstalk and Echo in Multiconductor Interconnections", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, Vol. 52, No. 2, February 2005, pp. 405-416.


[B63] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "A Modal Transmission Technique Providing a Large Reduction of Crosstalk and Echo", proceedings of the 16th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 13-18 February 2005, pp. 341-346.

     Let us note that the paper [B62] contains the basic theory and the equations needed to proportion a ZXtalk device. It was often referenced by other authors. The four following articles are about the special ZXtalk method and the advantage of using a MIMO series-series feedback amplifier (MIMO-SSFA) for its implementation:

[B66] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "A Simple Method for Transmission with Reduced Crosstalk and Echo", Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2006, December 10-13, 2006, Nice, France, pp. 684-687.

[B70] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "MIMO Series-Series Feedback Amplifiers", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Express Briefs, Vol. 54, No. 12, December 2007, pp. 1037-1041.

[B77] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "Echo-free and crosstalk-free transmission in particular interconnections", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 19, No. 4, April 2009, pp. 209-211.


[B79] F. Broydé, E. Clavelier, "Signal and noise analysis of an MIMO-SSFA", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Express Briefs, Vol. 56, No. 6, June 2009, pp. 439-443.

     Several of these articles refer to our initial patent applications related to the ZXtalk technique, which are represented by the following published PCT applications:

[P26] International application PCT/EP2003/015036 of 24 December 2003 (WO 2004/062129), Method and device for transmission with reduced crosstalk. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 03 00064 of 6 January 2003.

[P27] International application PCT/EP2004/002382 of 18 February 2004 (WO 2004/079941), Digital method and device for transmission with reduced crosstalk. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 03 02814 of 6 March 2003.

[P28] International application PCT/EP2004/002383 of 18 February 2004 (WO 2004/082168), Method and device for transmission without crosstalk. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 03 03087 of 13 March 2003.

     A recent extension of the ZXtalk concept to an interconnection which cannot be modeled as a uniform multiconductor transmission line is disclosed in the following PCT application:

[P47] International application PCT/IB2010/051857 of 28 April 2010, Method for transmission using a non-uniform interconnection. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 09/04610 of 28 September 2009.

     The inventions relating to the MIMO-SSFA are disclosed in the following patents and published PCT applications:

[P30] United States Patent number US 7,642,849 of 10 January 2010, Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier and French patent 06 00388 of 31 October 2008, Amplificateur à entrées multiples et sorties multiples. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier.

[P33] International application PCT/IB2007/001344 of 26 April 2007 (WO 2008/001168), Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier using mutual induction in the feedback network. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 06/05633 of 23 June 2006.

[P41] International application PCT/IB2009/051358 of 31 March 2009 (WO 2010/004445), Multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier having pseudo-differential inputs. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 08/03982 of 11 July 2008.

     Other inventions can be used to improve an implementation of the ZXtalk method:

[P36] International application PCT/IB2008/051942 of 16 May 2008 (WO 2009/007864), Pseudo-differential interfacing device having a balancing circuit. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 07 04889 of 6 July 2007.

[P39] International application PCT/IB2009/051053 of 13 March 2009 (WO 2010/004442), Pseudo-differential receiving circuit. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 08/03830 of 7 July 2008.

[P40] International application PCT/IB2009/051182 of 20 March 2009 (WO 2010/004444), Multichannel interfacing device having a termination circuit. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 08/03876 of 8 July 2008.

[P42] International application PCT/IB2009/051557 of 14 April 2009 (WO 2010/004448), Multichannel interfacing device having a balancing circuit. Inventors: Frédéric Broydé & Evelyne Clavelier. Priority: French patent application 08/03985 of 11 July 2008.

     Our group also introduced a technique for reducing external crosstalk, referred to as ZXnoise method, which can be combined with the ZXtalk method to obtain a reduction of echo, internal crosstalk and external crosstalk.

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